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Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries CS launches smartfish program
Report outlines impact of aquaculture on province's economy
To improve livestock production I propose 500 million for disease outbreak in Lamu
Agriculture CS says army worm invasion threatening food security
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture | The Future of Modern Smart Farming with IoT
Irresponsible fishing practices discussed at the Fishing conference in Madagascar
Derek Headey, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
29 - Panel 2 Speaker 10 (EN) How farmers are linking food security, adaptation and mitigation in ...
Brave Ndisale, Strategic Programme Leader, Food Security and Nutrition, FAO, Italy
Support to the attainment of Vision 2030 through Devolved Land Reforms in Community Lands of Kenya
How to Cultivate Food Security (Panel from the 2017 Food Tank Summit at GWU)